Wednesday, 11 November 2015

Every now and then...

Every now and then in this job something happens that restores your faith in humanity. That just happened, at about 11:15 on the 11th day of the 11th month.

I picked up 2 German customers from Paddington about 10:45 and en route I asked them how they felt about the observance of the 2 minute silence at 11am. I asked this because, if I'm working, my usual practice is to pull over and observe it properly. Obviously I've never had Germans on board before so I was trying to be as sensitive as I could about the situation. Far from feeling awkward they graciously agreed and I told them I'd discount the fare at the end of the journey.

So as we entered Theberton Street at 10:59 I pulled into Gibson Square (would you believe! Apologies to non cabbie readers, you won't understand the significance of this location and I won't bore you with it now) and we sat for 2 minutes in silence with our own thoughts.

After this we carried on to the destination, not a word more was exchanged.

At the end of the journey I asked for the discounted fare. They refused and paid the full amount. In addition to this one of them asked my name (at this point I couldn't help but hear Arthur Lowe screaming "don't tell him Pike!"... apologies for that). I told him my name and he said

"Alan, here is an extra £5, I would like you to donate this to the poppy charity for us"

I don't mind admitting I nearly cried.

I never got their names, but bless you my friends.


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. I deleted the comment above as I'd used a 'gentle smile' emoji and it didn't appear as that...

    Lovely story, Alan.....most people the world over are genuinely decent
